UTMSPACE was also tasked to organise in-house trainings and professional development programmes in collaboration with UTM faculties and divisions.


Transnational Education (TNE)

Transnational Education (TNE) aims to give students the opportunity to study for a degree in another country without having to leave their own country. Franchise, mobility, joint degree, articulation, research activities, and others are examples of TNE models. We are now focused on franchise opportunity for Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree and also Master’s Degree.


Short Courses

The UTMSPACE line of short courses were well received by its stakeholders, with a total of 9 short courses organised for the police force, ACA, Ministry of Defence, KuiTTHO staff, Shell and Malaysian Shipyard and Engineering (MSE) consortium, and the public.



UTMSPACE also became the host for the inaugural conference on Engineering Education (CEE ’04), in conjunction with 100 years of engineering education at UTM.


The Malaysian Government has announced that the full movement control order (FMCO) will be extended indefinitely until all three indicators under Phase 1 of the National Recovery Plan are achieved


The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus


The stories here represent the spirit of the UTMSPACE community coming together in a time of crisis to give back, contribute and do what it takes to help the communities around us.

Transnational Education (TNE)

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